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Old age fatigue

We all feel tired from time to time. The reason is often obvious, but if fatigue persists for a longer period of time, you can supplement any shortages with the right nutrients.
old age fatigue


Anti-ageing advice

If you want to ensure that you at least get the right nutrients in order to minimize the risk of old-age fatigue, then Golden Naturals Multi Seniorr a good start, with all the important vitamins and minerals you need later in life. In this article we give you many tips to combat age-related fatigue in a natural way. Unfortunately, due to European legislation, we are not allowed to provide complete advice or information online about nutritional supplements that can help you with this. If you would like advice, please do not hesitate to contact us via the blue contact button on the right. 

Old age fatigue can have many causes

The food you eat and the amount of exercise have a clear influence on your energy, concentration and performance and are very important to combat age-related fatigue. A diet high in refined sugars and processed foods can leave you feeling energized one minute and completely exhausted the next, due to imbalances in blood sugar and hormones. Although food intake is something we can influence ourselves, today's high demands of society sometimes make it impossible to focus on a good diet, making us more inclined to get "quick" energy from coffee, energy drinks and unhealthy food. that actually amplify fatigue in the long term.

What is Age Fatigue?

“Old age fatigue” is not a medically recognized term. However, there are a number of conditions that can cause fatigue and are more common in older people. One possible cause is the age-related decline in physical fitness and energy levels. As people age, their muscles and bones can weaken and their metabolism can slow down, leading to feelings of tiredness and lethargy. Another possible cause is the presence of underlying medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart disease, or anemia, which can cause fatigue as a symptom. It is important to note that fatigue is a common symptom that can be caused by a variety of factors. Old age fatigue is actually a more incorrect term because fatigue is not necessarily part of getting older.  

Old age fatigue increases as we get older

Many people experience more fatigue as they get older. Are you constantly tired? Do you start yawning with no end in sight? Being tired is really exhausting! You just don't feel like yourself, and so much is lost during the day. In addition, we take a closer look at why you are so tired and what solutions there are for you to get more energy. So let's take a look together at some of the symptoms and causes of age-related fatigue and what steps you can take to feel energized and healthy again. longevity to improve.

No TV and mobile phone at bedtime for a good night's sleep

18 solutions to combat age-related fatigue 

There are several ways to combat regular old-age fatigue related to health:


  1. A healthy and balanced diet: Eating a varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help provide the body with necessary nutrients and reduce the risk of disease. Also can intermittent fasting help with calorie restriction in case excess weight is the cause of fatigue.
  2. Regular exercise: Physical activity such as strength training can help keep muscles and bones strong, improve metabolism, and reduce the risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
  3. Enough sleep: Getting enough sleep can help improve brain function, mood, and immune system. Get up early and go to bed early and stop watching TV at least 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep and put your smartphone away in time. If you want help with a good night's sleep, we advise Sleep Support from Golden naturals
  4. Social Interaction: Having social interaction can help to improve mental and emotional health and can have a positive effect on physical well-being.
  5. Avoid substances such as alcohol and nicotine: These substances can disrupt sleep and decrease energy and accelerate age-related fatigue.
  6. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help boost energy and prevent dehydration.
  7. Treat health problems: It is important to treat health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease to prevent fatigue.
  8. Administration of stress: Long-term stress can lead to a number of health problems, so it's important to manage stress with meditation, mindfulness or yoga.
  9. Try to avoid long naps (longer than 30 minutes) late in the day. Long naps can make you feel groggy and make it harder to fall asleep at night.
  10. Stop smoking. Smoking is associated with many diseases and conditions, such as cancer, heart disease and respiratory problems, all of which are associated with age-related fatigue.
  11. Ask for help if you feel overwhelmed. Just like younger people, some older people have quite a lot to do and when you are older you can have less and it can quickly become too much. Ask for help or make fewer appointments if you feel yourself getting tired.
  12. Keep your brain active: Participating in challenging activities such as puzzles, chess, or reading can help keep your brain active keep brain active and prevent fatigue. Learn a new language or play a musical instrument, studies show this can significantly slow down even beginning Alzheimer's. You can give memory a helping hand with natural ingredients Bacopa Brain Support from Golden Naturals.
  13. Only participate in acactivities you like. Chatting with friends and family or volunteering in the community can help you feel more engaged and productive throughout the day. Avoid the things that cost you too much energy and don't like. I can hear you thinking, no moving or sports are not covered by this and you should do it.
  14.  Support body and mind with the right nutritional supplements to supplement any deficiencies. An all in 1 supplement is Golden Naturals Multi senior for people over 60 which does much more than just get the right substances to combat fatigue.
  16. Eat well and avoid alcohol. Nutritious food can give you energy throughout the day. If you don't drink alcohol, you avoid negative interactions with medications.
  17. Keep a fatigue diary. This can help you find patterns throughout the day in which you feel more or less tired. It can also help you plan activities that can give you more energy.
  18. In addition to movement, also put on mind sports such as cloverjacks, chess or checkers to keep your brain active. If you don't like the games, try learning words in another language, songs sing by heart or learn to play on one music instrument. A more active brain has a major impact on how fit you feel every day. In addition, it prevents you from brain deteriorates faster.
  19. extreme fatigue in the elderly: Consult a doctor. If you are experiencing persistent and severe fatigue, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor to make sure you do not have an underlying medical condition that requires treatment.

It is never too late to start implementing healthy habits in everyday life and a healthy lifestyle can help you stay vital and fit at any age and prevent age-related fatigue

old age fatigue
Strength training keeps you young and vital

14 possible causes of fatigue in old age

The causes of fatigue in the elderly can be very diverse. We list below the 12 most common causes of fatigue in old age.


  1. Changes in the biological clock: As we age, our change biological clock, causing us to experience more fatigue.
  2. An excess of senescent cells can cause fatigue. Senescent cells are old damaged cells that no longer function properly. However, they remain active in the body and excrete substances that cause inflammation in the body. As we age, senescent cells build up in our bodies and can contribute to a variety of health problems, including age-related fatigue.
  3. Changes in hormone levels: Hormonal changes that occur with aging, such as a decrease in testosterone in men and estrogen in women, can also lead to fatigue.
  4. Less exercise: Many people become less active as they age, which can lead to a decrease in energy and an increased feeling of fatigue.
  5. Bad Sleep Habits: As we age, our decrease sleep quality, which can lead to sleep disturbances and daytime fatigue.
  6. Health issues: Older people tend to have more health issues, such as chronic pain, diabetes, and heart disease, that can contribute to age-related fatigue.
  7. Stress: Older people can do more stress experience as a result of changes in their life, such as retirement, loss of a partner or changes in their health, which can lead to fatigue.
  8. Medication: Older people often take multiple medications for different health conditions, and some medications can have fatigue as a side effect.
  9. Metabolic Changes: As we age, changes our metabolism, which can lead to reduced energy production and fatigue.
  10. Loss of muscle mass: Older people may experience slose pier mass due to aging and a lack of exercise, which can lead to fatigue.
  11. Mental health issues: Older people can also deal with mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, which can cause fatigue.
  12. Changes in the senses: As we age, changes in the senses such as hearing and vision problems can lead to fatigue as the body has to use more energy to compensate for these functions.
  13. Drinking too much coffee in the afternoon, even tea can contain caffeine. Keeping a diary can help you see what you drank that day and whether it affected your sleep
  14.  Do you often watch TV or on your mobile in the evening? This can be a cause of poor sleep and therefore fatigue.

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