Spermidine supplement
This Spermidine supplement that is developed based on scientific research and comes from a vegan wheat germ concentrate. Spermidine has recently received a lot of attention worldwide due to groundbreaking research results. It is currently being studied by more than 100 international research teams.
Buy quality spermidine
With us you can buy spermidine safely and with guaranteed quality, certified by an independent European laboratory. Choose our spermidine supplement and experience the benefits of a reliable and high-quality source. If you are considering using a spermidine supplement, it is also good to look at what exactly you are buying. Many other brands only offer 1 mg spermidine (0,001 grams) per capsule. This results in a total of only 0,06 grams of spermidine from a jar with 60 capsules.
Unlike other products, our spermidine supplement powder contains no less than 1 gram of spermidine (1000 mg) in a 20 gram jar. This means that you get much more active substance with our powder. Small amounts of spermidine are already sufficient for proper functioning in the body. By choosing our quality range, you invest in the effectiveness and health of your body. Make the right choice and go for quality!
- 20 grams of spermidine
- 5% spermidine including measuring spoon
Choose quality and order your spermidine supplement from us today!