LavieSage Skin Secure 120 tabs keeps blood vessels smooth and clean!
Exercise is very important in addition to a healthy and well-balanced diet. The latter proves to be very difficult in practice. People quickly eat too much omega-6 fats, which can lead to a shortage of omega-3 fats. Now an imbalance arises, which can lead to a greater susceptibility to inflammation. The possibility of inflammation must be allowed to arise, but must not be too severe and must be able to be completed quickly, so that tissue repair can take place. Chronification should always be avoided.
By limiting the intake of omega-6 fats such as linoleic acid and LavieSage Adding Skin Secure (omega-3) corrects this imbalance quickly and effectively. This allows the body to optimally use its own self-healing capacity for a healthy solution. Due to its special form (especially phospholipids), the absorption is very good and it can be absorbed directly into the cell membrane without intermediate form.
The omega-3 fats have also been shown to be effective for optimal brain development, especially in pregnant women and children. Another important area of application is in the case of an elevated cholesterol level. Usage LavieSage Skin Secure for several months and have your cholesterol checked again by a doctor. It strongly supports brain function, ideal during periods of stress or busy times at school or training. In this way we become more resistant to stress. Just think about that. It also gives a lot of energy for our heads. Therefore, do not use the product in the evening.
Laviesage Skin Secure content: 120 tabs