Golden Naturals Vitamin B12 1000 mcg for extra energy
Buy 3 pots now Golden Naturals Vitamin B12 1000 mcg with 33% discount (2+1 free)
Golden Naturals Vitamin B12 contains 1000 mcg of vitamin B12 which activates the natural energy in the body. In addition, it is good for memory and concentration and helps to reduce fatigue. Vitamin B12 is almost exclusively found in animal products.
Better absorbable than other B12 supplements
People who absorb less vitamin B12 from food, such as vegans and vegetarians, may benefit from a B12 supplement. The lozenges of Golden Naturals Vitamin B12 1000 mcg contain the bioactive form methylcobalamin. The advantage is that the body can absorb this immediately, so that the active substances are quickly effective. Many other vitamin B12 supplements contain cyanocobalamin, a synthetic, not natural, form that the body must convert before it takes effect.