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Calcium AKG (Ca-akg)

What is Calcium AKG? Calcium AKG also known as Ca-akg is an important compound involved in various biological processes. The body naturally produces α-Ketoglutarate (AKG), but from about the age of 40 the production decreases drastically. Between the ages of 40 and 80 the amount of AKG in the body can be up to ten times lower than at a younger age.


Why always choose Calcium-AKG over regular AKG?

Regular AKG supplements do not contain calcium. Calcium-AKG combines AKG with calcium, which ensures that it remains active in the body for longer. This extended effect means that you get more benefits from your daily dose. In addition, binding with calcium increases the stability of the AKG molecule, making it more resistant to breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract. This ensures better absorption and effectiveness, giving you more bang for your buck.


Guaranteed 99+% Pure Calcium AKG

Our Calcium-AKG supplement offers a guaranteed purity of 99+%, certified by independent laboratories in Europe. Certificates of analysis are available per batch upon request.


Contents and benefits

  • 100 grams of pure Ca-AKG powder with 19% calcium including measuring spoon
  • Independently certified for maximum purity
  • Better absorption and stability than regular AKG supplements


Buy Calcium-AKG offers better and longer performance, with guaranteed quality!

72,00 - 432,00


What is Calcium AKG (Ca-AKG)?

Calcium AKG (Ca-AKG) stands for Calcium Alpha-Ketoglutarate, a form of calcium that is crucial for several biological processes. It binds excess phosphate and removes it as waste, helping to restore the balance of calcium and phosphate in the body. Additionally, AKG plays a key role in the KREBS cycle, stem cell growth, collagen synthesis, and epigenetic regulation. As we age, the level of AKG in the body decreases dramatically.

Characteristic Description
Molecular formula C5H4CaO5-H2O
Role Regulates calcium and phosphate levels
Health Benefits Extends lifespan and health span
Presence in the body AKG levels drop by 90% between ages 40 and 80

Difference between AKG and Calcium AKG

Most AKG supplements only contain alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG). However, scientists prefer Calcium AKG, because it remains active in the body for longer due to the binding with calcium. This calcium compound slows down the absorption in the intestine and increases the stability of the supplement in the bloodstream, which leads to a more effective use in the body.


Benefits of Calcium AKG supplement:

  • Slower absorption for long-lasting effect.
  • Improved stability in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • More time to perform its metabolic functions.

Due to European legislation, we are not allowed to name the exact effect and possible health benefits because you can buy AKG from us. We would like to refer you to the many studies on Pubmed or orthomolecular websites that may name the benefits. We are allowed to give advice, please contact us via the contact button.

How do you use Calcium AKG supplement?

  • Recommended daily dose: Up to 2 grams (380 mg calcium), divided over two intake moments.
  • intake: Preferably on an empty stomach, dissolved in water.
  • Maximum calcium intake: Not more than 2 grams per day (including other calcium sources).
  • Storage: Store in a cool, dark place out of the reach of children.
  • Dosage: Use a precision scale for accuracy. A free measuring spoon (0,3g) is included and dishwasher safe.

Additional information




1 pot of Ca-Akg, 3 pots of Ca-Akg (normally 216,- for 199,95), 6 pots of Ca-Akg get the 7th free (normally 504,- now 432,-)

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